Free Yoga Meditation in Hounslow, TW3

Free Yoga Meditation in Hounslow, TW3

The regular meetings in Hounslow have now been discontinued. Please join us at the regular free weekly meetings every Thursday at the Ealing Town Hall – click here for detailed info, or visit the Ealing Sahaja Yoga website

Please write to meetings@ukyoga.org to express an interest in regular meetings in Houston 🙂

Montague Public Hall, Montague Road, Hounslow, TW3 1LD

Contact: Sanjeev: 07795 365 014

Discover the deeper meaning of your life by connecting to the power that created you. Would you like to find out more about yourself? Enjoy a tangible experience of your inner being through Sahaja Yoga Meditation.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation can help….

  • Get self-realisation
  • Achieve mental stillness
  • Carry out self-diagnosis 
  • Find peace and joy
  • Improve balance and stability

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a unique form of meditation that helps you discover and develop your inner potential. It can help you to achieve emotional and mental well-being and experience the depth of your spiritual Self.

This form of meditation is now taught in more than 100 countries. Meditation is a state of profound deep peace that occurs when the
mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert. ‘Sahaja Yoga Meditation is simple, subtle and real’ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder of Sahaja Yoga).


  Feel the Cool Breeze on the palms of your hands

Come and experience it for yourself – Sahaja Yoga is always free.