Shri Mataji in London.
Asked once by a journalist in Ealing, West London: Have you had any disappointments?
Shri Mataji replied: I have neither had any appointments or disappointments! The laughter, which followed characterised the way conversations with Shri Mataji would often go, they could be humourous, unusual, often taking a surprising turn. Shri Mataji had a capacity to bring-out linkages in topics which most wouldn’t see, until guided, this made her talks and stories engaging, enchanting and memorable. Shri Mataji delivered thousands of such talks, as she unravelled this story. She was always instructive, always teaching. At one stage her passport was about an inch deep, with several extension sections stapled one to another. These passports bore the stamp of the many places Shri Mataji visited as she traversed the globe, with one enduring intention, not to visit places, but peoples.
She did indeed meet thousands of people, but it wasn’t just a series of brief hello’s and goodbyes. Shri Mataji personally delivered many free meditation programmes across London in Hampstead, Clapham, Chiswick, Kensington, Stratford, Holland Park. Tuning into the person in front of her, whether worldly wise and accomplished, or a humble villager, Shri Mataji would delve deep into a persons being and nature, as for her, they all mattered, they were all impressive, they all had capacity.
It was this capacity which inspired Shri Mataji to do this work. Each persons capacity to become….to become the Spirit, to become connected, to achieve self realisation. Some people ‘saw’ Shri Mataji, some simply didn’t. It was more about the state of the individual then Shri Mataji, where they were placed within themselves, rather then who she was. Some people saw her, perceived her, drew closer, others turned away, for them she was not the answer.
And who is Shri Mataji, what is Shri Mataji?
Shri Mataji is a Guru! And what is a Guru? – The word guru has a very specific meaning:
Gu = ignorance. Ru = dispeller. Hence a Guru should be able to bring about the removal of spiritual ignorance and illusion which engulfs the human condition.
For those who did draw closer, many sense Shri Mataji was the real deal, the complete package, the Axis Mundi. A Divine Mother. Somehow she had an ability, an innate capacity to help people work on and solve their own problems. Her magic was like that of a loving gardener, the action was in the sprouting.
She would sprout within any individual, subject to their indwelling desire, a new level of capacity, a hidden ingredient, an extra dimension. Yet her message was firm: Become your own Guru, become the Spirit, and that was the rub, it turned out that, that, could be somewhat tough. It required intention!
Scattered attention, confusion, laziness, low self esteem, countless human weaknesses would hamper each individuals determination to work on themselves, attend to themselves, to become all that they could be. In this process, as a Guru, Shri Mataji could be fierce like a tiger, awesome to behold, and yet as a Mother, she could be gentle as a dove, majestic, a comforter. In a motherly way she would endeavour to inspire and lift-up individuals, often, only to see them flounder, go off track, trip-up and need re-gravitating.
When in her attention it felt like you were in the hands of evolution itself. No doubt in the photo’s, you can see her smile, it would act to comfort and redeem. Her voice would offer succour & counsel to weary ears. The choice always remained in the heart of the individual, whether to heed her counsel. In truth, it seems many people appeared not to ‘understand’, yet everyone experienced Shri Mataji uniquely!
Like a careful and observant gardener tending her garden, Shri Mataji would often prune the flowers, perhaps telling off an individual, her incisive attention and love, like any gardeners, giving fresh impetus to an ailing rose. Shri Mataji played long term, yet she would often strike like lightening. Reaching to the heart of the matter, often in a surprising way, it was all part of the perennial growth cycle. The over riding feeling for many was that Shri Mataji cared deeply and this gave her the authority of a Spiritual Mother, attending on the needs of fledgling children, who were attempting to ascend spiritually.
Her delicacy in handling people was immense. With radar like precision she could rapidly tune into a situation, her attention penetrating through the masks we all wear, to hear what was being said and also what wasn’t being said. She tuned into the indwelling desire of those around her.
Her laughter was infectious and relieving, her witnessing power and enjoyment of life’s up and downs, liberating. Many books have been compiled, where people who met Shri Mataji recollect many of these moments. They all express one thing, a sense of privilege, divine luck, good fortune, that somehow they had come across Shri Mataji and her teachings. A sensing that grace itself, had touched these encounters and nourished their life.
Shri Mataji’s message of insight and wisdom remains constant and the same, it always has! As she says: I bow to all the seekers of truth. You are the Spirit. Within you resides a power. You can achieve your Self Realisation. You can feel a cool breeze on the palms of your hands and above your head. Become your own guru. Enjoy!
The essential message never changed. This celestial song always remains the same. The only question being: How many would hear this song and how many would experience and understand its melody?
Shri Mataji travels on, she meets people in places across the globe even today, through the outstretched hands and hearts of those who have humbly taken her message to heart and learnt how to sing it’s song. In the sparkle of each newly enlightened eye shines the spark of Shri Mataji’s eternal presence!

Shri Mataji & Sir CP Srivastava and daughters on the occasion of Sir CP Srivastava receiving his knighthood from Her Majesty’s Government – Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, United Kingdom. (1990)
Her essence is felt in human hands and a-top heads. Her grace gently softens the heart and as each new sapling leans forward to listen in some more, the echo of her love reaches its destination.
Become your own Guru, Become the Spirit!
What a public life. What a message….. for a world in an age of mess.
Shri Mataji lived and stayed in various London properties over the years, in Oxted, Dollis Hill, Knightsbridge, Victoria, Clapham, Earls Court, Surbitton, Ealing, Friern Barnet and further afield in Shudy Camps, Cambridgshire.
Shri Mataji took her MahaSamadhi on February 23rd 2011 aged 87 years.
For an overview of Shri Mataji’s mission and vision please see: Shri Mataji – spiritual awakening
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