The Great Mother of Spiritual Awakening – Sunday Nov 26th
Join us to celebrate the Advent of the Great Mother, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, whose life, work and legacy herald a new age of spiritual enlightenment
We are delighted to invite you to a presentation of Shri Mataji’s life, work and legacy, with video extracts from speeches given by Shri Mataji Herself. You will have the opportunity to enjoy a guided meditation, and try the experience Self-realisation for yourself.
Doors open from 6.00pm for 6.30pm start.
Register to attend
This event is created to provide:
A deeper understanding of Shri Mataji’s transformative legacy;
A key to personal Inner Peace and peace around the world;
Self-realisation through the awakening of each person’s innate spiritual energy;
An opportunity to experience thoughtless awareness;
Stories, videos, exhibitions of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga;
Guests speakers who have shared many years of their lives with Shri Mataji;
Live classical Indian music and dance;
A chance to meet likeminded people, all searching for truth and meaning;
Light refreshments and a chance to mingle with the performers.
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