Experience your Self-Realisation online now
Experience your Self-Realisation online now – what to do?
If you would like to give it a try, right now, online, you can do so.
Simply sit upright and relaxed on a chair, place your feet a little apart from each other, without shoes: you need to be comfortable so that your attention can be free to follow the exercise.
Rest your hands on your lap, palms open and upward; the left hand will remain still, while the right hand will move. You can now follow the exercise showed in the video by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation.
Attend a Free weekly Meeting and receive your Self Realisation
As of March 16th 2020 all Sahaja Yoga Meditation UK meetings have gone online to reflect our commitment to the benevolence and wellbeing of our participants
We welcome you to look around the website & read some of our in-depth articles. You are also encouraged to learn meditation via one of our online platforms.
Online Meditations: http://www.wemeditate.co/live will be streaming live daily meditation sessions from 7pm Monday to Friday.
Once conditions allow – we will resume normal classes ‘in person’.
Each week across London many people experience this actualisation at one of the many free meditation classes on offer. You can join a class in any of the following – Free Meditation Classes in London
Register to receive the Sahaj eNewsletter
Keep up to date with our latest news, events and dates for Special One Day Retreats by registering to receive our eNewsletter- there are 4-6 issues per year. Register to receive the Sahaj eNewsletter
You are welcome to join us anytime in 2020 as we gather to achieve Yoga and enjoy the state of meditation.
What to expect at weekly meetings – 21 Frequently Asked Questions
Nina coles :: May 11, 2017 at 5:29 pm ::
Sangay Tenzin :: December 16, 2017 at 5:06 am ::