Awakening the Heart – Yoga Meditation & Wellbeing tour

Awakening the Heart – Yoga Meditation & Wellbeing tour

UK Sahaja Yoga Tour in the Heart of the Universe?

In the subtle language of the Chakras – the Heart is the seat of the Spirit, the Atma, the Eternal Spark within that animates us and without which – we would cease to be! So as we consider whether to be …or not to be ….the quest becomes – to know the Self.  But how to reach that silent witness within? For sure we need to reach within, quieten down, in order to know and experience that which lies beyond words and thoughts, best found in the state of ‘thoughtlerss awareness’. So, silence the mind, switch off the mental engine, ascend within and connect to achieve yoga. Wellbeing & balance exist within us – we just need to connect with them.


Awakening the Heart – Yoga Meditation Wellbeing tour

In the Geography of the world – the UK represents the Heart. Stay tuned – you know how often days of the week, planets, flowers, musical instruments, colours, precious gems, musical notes are all associated with any given subtle chakra – so also there exists a subtle geography, a spiritual understanding – hence as William Blake echoes: And did those feet in ancient time, Walk upon Englands mountains green:…… perhaps it turns out that this United Kingdom is about something much more then Brexit.

Connecting the four chambers of the heart – England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales – maybe today not politically correct or fashionable  – yet possibly spiritually and eternally important somehow. Seeking the truth, pure knowledge, innocence, the spirit requires us to detach from worldly norms and mind-full conditioned views  – to consider everything from another vantage point – from the perspective of the heart, more importantly, our heart.

The tools most useful to embark on such an exploration – a desire to experience, to find and experience – that which is to be experienced! With all the software already positioned within us from birth, we just need to trigger the switch, sprout the seed, get connected to the mains and then the “lights” come on to illuminate our real self.

Open Your Heart – Eventbrite Links 

That’s what the Journey into Silence 2024 Tour seeks to do this April & May to go here and there – to spontaneously reach out and come across whoever happens to be there – on any given day – to offer and share – the greatest heartiest possibility – to enliven, awaken & connect with that which resides in the heart – namely – the spirit. Reserve your place via Eventbrite on the links below.

Make an Appointment – with yourself

Below are links to all the events – so if you are in town, or we happen to be in your town – reserve some time to have an appointment with yourself, your spirit and eternity too – of course all the events are free – as how can you pay for what already lies within?

Starting with a deep meditation in She – field otherwise know as Sheffield on Saturday May 27th – the tour moves on and visits,

Leeds on Sunday the 28th,

Harrogate on Tuesday 30th,

York on Wednesday May 1st &

Middlesbrough on Thursday 2nd of May 

bringing forth enlightened music & dance which have the capacity to help awaken the Kundalini energy within & transport us into yoga, meditation, silence & joy.


By early May the tour makes its way to Preston on May 7th,

Liverpool on May 8th &

Manchester on May 9th seeking to connect with those who are interested to experience & actualise this inner awakening.

Music, Meditation & Wellbeing

Meditation and music go together beautifully. Enlightened music has the capacity to help manifest the energy of the Spirit & awaken the Kundalini and tune our subtle system back into harmony. As we attain balance, inner wellbeing can naturally manifest on a daily basis. By using the notes, ragas and the simple mantra sounds that the Kundalini creates as it journeys through the energy points of our inner system, we can awaken and strengthen the chakras and enhance our experience. Music can help silence our mind and can easily take us into thoughtless awareness, that deep state of meditation.

Music Meditation has been well received in schools, colleges, universities and community groups all over London and the UK taking complete beginners deep into meditation and relieving them of stress. It also provides an ideal introduction to Indian music and has been very popular with music students.