Overcoming Stress – Introducing The Foot Soak
Techniques for Overcoming Stress – Introducing The Foot-soak
At Sahaja Yoga Meditation weekly classes, we often describe some simple, easy therapeutic techniques, which are often very effective in reducing stress and balancing our inner system.
One of these techniques is known as ‘the footsoak’.
It simply involves immersing one’s feet in a tub of lukewarm water, which contains (here’s the magic ingredient!) a handful of ordinary salt.
(Some may immediately recognise ‘the footsoak’ as a remedy their own Grandmothers swore by!)
Combined with Sahaja Yoga meditation, just ten-fifteen minutes of having a footsoak can be most relaxing and rejuvenating!
Of course not only are we simulating a paddle by the Sea, we are making use of the two elements Water & Earth (Salt represents the Earth element).
Sahaja Yoga makes use of many elements through its organic and natural techniques & treatments. A candle makes use of the elements Light & Fire & we often hold one hand towards the blue sky, into the Ether.
Sitting in a state of Yoga on Mother Earth and meditating is another favourite pass time of those who can gain access to a few square feet of green grass.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation practioners often make full use of Mother natures calming and beautiful environment. Simple techniques produce profound improvements in one’s sense of Well Being, Calmness, Peace & Serenity.
In fact, most people who practice Sahaja Yoga on a regular basis would not even consider giving up their daily footsoak. One can feel quite drained and tired at the end of a long day spent out of the house. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could wash all those feelings of heaviness and fatigue away, and make a new beginning, so that you can actually enjoy your evening?
Well, you can – just have a footsoak as soon as you get back!
Cleansing & Well being
We all cleanse the outside of the physical body, by bathing or in the shower every morning. But what cleanses the inside of the body? The Footsoak is one of many techniques which Shri Mataji recommended people try out and see the difference for themselves.
If you already practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation you could add this technique in to your daily/weekly routine.
All you need to do is purchase a brand new washing up bowl, (maybe from a £1 shop – solely for this purpose) and stock up on some salt. With your feet immersed in a few inches deep of warm (or cool) water, you may be pleasantly surprised to experience a meditation deeper than ever before.
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