Achieve Yoga – Celebrating International Women’s Day – Free Seminar
One Day Seminar
A FREE one-day Women’s seminar organized by Realise Women Association with Sahaja Yoga meditation, culminating in a vibrant evening of World Music and dance.
Empowerment from Within:
From Peace Within to Community Transformation
Workshops will centre around interconnecting themes, exploring how realising our inner strengths and qualities through meditation can equip us to meet the challenges which women face. The aim of the discourse is to highlight our capacity as women in transforming societies through actualising our own potential for self-security and inner peace.
Sahaja Yoga is a unique and ancient meditation method, enabling us to experience a profound state of peace within, through self-realisation. In meditation we enjoy a state known as ‘thoughtless awareness’, that enables one to focus on the ‘present moment’, rather than dwelling on the unchangeable past or undetermined future, therefore promoting greater balance in daily life.
As part of the International Women’s Day event we pay tribute to the life time achievement of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, widely acclaimed for Her work for humanity around the globe and as a messenger of peace. Through Her life, Shri Mataji has enriched people’s understanding of spirituality, and has re-defined our perception of women in leadership and as innovators of change.
Women’s Seminar
Ealing Town Hall, Ealing, London, W5 2BY – (Tube: Ealing)
11 March 2017, 10.00 – 17.00 Seminar – WOMEN ONLY
10.00 – 12.30: Introductions; experience of meditation
13.30 – 17.00: Interactive workshops
Special Evening Event – Music & Dance
11 March 2017, 18.30 – 22.30 Artistic Programme – ALL WELCOME
FREE tickets to be obtained from Eventbrite.
Separate tickets are required for day and evening event: www.eventbrite.co.uk/d/united-kingdom–london/realisewomen/
The programme is designed to be flexible, allowing attendance at the am, pm and evening sessions
Further links:
Women’s issues globally. Need for empowerment from within. www.realisewomen.org/
A celebration of the life of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga.
Self-realisation with Sahaja Yoga Meditation – achieving thoughtless awareness & peace www.sahajayoga.org.uk/
One Comment
Shaista :: March 19, 2017 at 3:07 pm ::