FREE FOUR-WEEK MEDITATION COURSE in West London – starts Thursday, 12-March-2015
Spring is here: A time for new beginnings!
A FREE four-week meditation course in West London starting coming Thursday 12-March offers a new beginning on an amazing inner journey. Included in the package comes lessons in carrying out some inner spring cleaning – which can lead to experiences of unique, rejuvenating peace and bliss.
Winter still hasn’t quite loosened its icy grip – but the confidently bright blue skies of the last few days, and that certain special feeing in the air leave us with no doubt: spring is arriving, spring is here. Spring – traditionally known as a time for rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth. And an honest bit of spring cleaning, of course!
There are individuals among us who inwardly search for answers: how to find genuine peace within? How to overcome stress, and become more resilient to the ups & downs of life? And how to evolve as a person; to grow beyond our limitations, and achieve a wide-encompassing view of reality?
This spring there will be an opportunity for them to experience a renewal, rebirth and cleansing of an inner nature:
All are welcome to our upcoming free four-week meditation course for beginners, which shall commence on Thursday, 12-March.
The sessions will be conducted every Thursday,
from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
The Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway,
Ealing, London, W5 2BY
Topics to be covered in this intensive course shall include:
- – Experiencing yoga (‘union’) spontaneously
- – How to meditate, and balance yourself
- – The main chakras, and cleansing techniques
- – Learn how to give others ‘self-realisation’, i.e., the experience of yoga.
Never tried meditation before? Don’t think ‘meditation is not for me’. Meditation with Sahaja Yoga is easy – that’s because it is natural. From your first session onwards, you will be able to try meditating at home. You will even be able to show others how to meditate.
For a comprehensive grounding in the basics, we recommend completing the full course. However, each class can be taken as an independent module. Each session includes an introduction for beginners, and a guided meditation. So, if you are not able to attend every class, you are quite welcome to attend those that you can.
Please click here for a map of the venue location:
Course content:
12-March-2015 (7:30 pm – 9:00 pm)
Week 1: The Basics of Meditation; the Kundalini Energy, the Mooladhara Chakra, and the Left sympathetic Channel.
How to raise the Kundalini energy, and meditate at home.
19-March-2015 (7:30 pm – 9:00 pm)
Week 2: The Right Sympathetic channel, Swadhistan & Nabhi Chakra. Cleansing techniques.
26-March-2015 (7:30 pm – 9:30 pm)
Week 3: The Parasympathetic channel, ‘the Void’, & Heart Chakra. Cleansing techniques.
02-April-2015 (7:30 pm – 9:30 pm)
Week 4: The Vishuddhi, Agnya and Sahastrar Chakras. Cleansing techniques.
No need to register in advance. All you have to do is turn up on the day, and make yourself comfortable. Please feel free to bring along any friends and family. Registration in advance is an advantage, but it is not compulsory. More details about the course, and a Registration Form can be found on our website:
Contact us for more information.
You are most welcome to contact us with any questions you may have:
Luis: (0203) 524 35 46, 07958 799 208
This course will be followed by another free four-week beginner’s course, starting on the 9th of April 2015.
Our classes run throughout the year:
Your West London free meditation classes are conducted every Thursday evening at the Ealing Town Hall, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm – throughout the year. Please see our website for more details. Pop in whenever you wish !
You can also attend any one of the free meditation programmes across London and the UK at your leisure.
What to expect
Each week’s class will include various presentations, and hands-on demonstrations. You will have the opportunity to find out more in the question and answer sessions, or by speaking personally to one of the instructors.
At the meeting, there will be no bending and stretching type physical exercises – participants will be seated comfortably throughout (as such, a yoga mat or any other type of equipment is not required). The classes are conducted in a relaxed setting, and have a friendly atmosphere.
Sahaja Yoga
Sahaja Yoga meditation is natural, easy, and effective. Each day of the course and all sessions throughout the year shall include an introduction to the basics, and a structured guided meditation. In this way, you will both experience meditation, and be able to start meditating at home straight away.
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