Free Seven-Week Meditation Course in Slough – starts 08-November

Free Seven-Week Meditation Course in Slough – starts 08-November

A great opportunity for those interested in meditation, and who live in Berkshire, especially in Slough!

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a most effective, natural and easy method to achieve inner balance, peace and contentment; better health and improved all-round well-being. And all our classes are completely free of charge.

In this seven-week course for beginners, we shall comprehensively cover the basics of our inner being, with a focus on achieving and sustaining the state of meditation. You are welcome to attend only those classes you can make it to: each class is presented as an independent module, and there is always an introduction to the basics, and a guided meditation. Whichever session you attend, you will be able to try meditating at home straight away.

Tuesday, 08-November-2016  to  Tuesday, 13-December-2016


Slough Quaker Meeting House

74 Ragstone Road,
Slough, SL1 2PX

Beneficial and instructive for both beginners and the experienced. Completing the course is highly recommended. No prior reservation is required – simply turn up whenever convenient.

Join as a complete beginner at any point in the course, and learn:

– To meditate, and balance your inner being

– About chakras, and techniques to cleanse them

– How to feel, and decode the condition of your energy centres

– How to give self-realisation to others


Chakras, channels

Tuesday, 01-November-2016  (19:30 – 21:00)

Week 1: The Basics of Meditation; the Kundalini Energy, and the Mooladhara Chakra. How to raise the Kundalini energy, and meditate at home.



Tuesday, 08-November-2016  (19:30 – 21:00)

Week 2: The Swadhistan Chakra. Cleansing techniques. The basics of meditating at home.



Tuesday, 15-November-2016  (19:30 – 21:00)

Week 3: The Nabhi Chakra. Cleansing techniques. The basics of meditating at home, with practical application.



Tuesday, 22-November-2016  (19:30 – 21:00)

Week 4: The Heart Chakra. Cleansing techniques. The basics of meditating at home, with practical application.





160212 New Column of Weeks - Seven Week Course 01Tuesday, 29-November-2016  (19:30 – 21:00)

Week 5: The Vishuddhi Chakra. Cleansing techniques. The basics of meditating at home, with practical application.



Tuesday, 06-December-2016 
(19:30 – 21:00)

Week 6: The Agnya Chakra. Cleansing techniques. The basics of meditating at home, with practical application.



Tuesday, 13-December-2016  (19:30 – 21:00)

Week 7: The Sahasrar Chakra; ‘the thousand-petalled lotus’. Cleansing techniques. The basics of meditating at home, with practical application.


We recommend completing the full course. If you are not able to attend every class, you are quite welcome to attend those you can.

Each week’s class will include various presentations, and hands-on demonstrations. You will have the opportunity to find out more in the question and answer sessions, or by speaking personally to one of the instructors.

At the meeting, there will be no bending and stretching type physical exercises – participants will be seated comfortably throughout (as such, a yoga mat or any other type of equipment is not required). The classes are conducted in a relaxed setting, and have a friendly atmosphere.

Sahaja Yoga meditation is natural and easy. Each day of the course shall include a structured guided meditation. In this way, you will both experience meditation, and be able to start meditating at home from the first day you start.

Each class in the seven week course will focus on one of the main chakras (energy centres) and channels in our being, with a focus on gaining first-hand experience of meditation and cleansing the inner system through meditative techniques.

For more information, please visit our ‘Meetup’ web-page:

Or simply give us a call on our free number: 0800-9-101-108


The general format of each meeting will be as follows:

  1. Introduction – suitable for complete beginners
  2. Guided meditation session – no prior experience required; and you will experience the state of meditation for yourself.
  3. Focus on the chakra of the week, with a presentation on the screen
  4. A ‘workshop’ – in the context of a meditation session, the opportunity to focus on specific chakras, increase one’s experience of vibratory awareness, and giving ‘self-realisation’ to another person.

Free regular meditation classes and courses in Slough, Berkshire

Free regular meditation classes and courses in Slough, Berkshire