Music, Meditation, Tranquility & Peace in Edinburgh

Music, Meditation, Tranquility & Peace
A time for New Beginnings
Meditate Edinburgh is delighted to present an evening of cultural music and song, combined with the opportunity to achieve Yoga and experience meditation, tranquility and inner peace on April 21st 2016.
This evening will feature a unique fusion of Eastern and Western contributions all designed to achieve one thing – to gently bring us into a state of inner balance and peace, which can be tangibly felt, experienced and verified.
Inner Peace
As Shri Mataji has indicated: “What you seek is often closer then you think. Inner peace lies within your heart” – and it is the experience and daily enjoyment of this quality that inspires those who meditate regularly to invite and encourage others to try it out for themselves.
The Proof
As the 14th century adage says: The proof is in the pudding so we invite you to come along and try it out for yourself at a free weekly meeting – details below.
The process of achieving yoga is a subtle actualization, whereby all the necessary tools and equipment exist already within us from birth, it is merely the awakening of those potentials that lie deep within us, that are our birthright – that trigger the process, a process that is totally natural and organic and cannot be paid for – hence the event is free.
How to Switch off your thoughts

How to Switch off Your thoughts = thoughtless awareness
Once you have achieved this subtle yoga, the experience of meditation occurs, as the mental engine comes to rest and one experiences ‘thoughtless awareness’. To do this we generally sit on chairs to achieve Yoga, effortlessly and spontaneously. As such no Asanas (exercises) are required, no mat or special clothing.
We welcome you to join us and to bring your friends & family along.
We run free programmes throughout the year – please visit our Meet Up Page:
Free Admission
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