Yoga, Meditation & Ayurveda
Sahaja Yoga at Strawberry Fair, Cambridge – Sat June 2nd 2012
Ancient Indian techniques of Yoga, Meditation & Ayurvedic Medicine are being increasing sought out, recognised, embraced and understood in todays busy Western world.
‘Thoughtless awareness’ is the first step into meditation. To become ‘thoughtlessly aware’ appears to be one of the most difficult things to achieve. Sahaja Yoga is a simple method which takes you on a gentle journey of true meditation and self discovery. You can learn about this in your own time and pace. Feel free to join us any time. It’s very simple and yet extremely beneficial.
If you have any further questions you can contact us
“I’m calmer, clearer thoughts, less depressed and more confident.”
” I am recovering from alcoholism and I have been helped by Sahaja Yoga meditation in a phenomenal way.“
“I feel a lot calmer, more relaxed, less anger, much less worry and able to stay in the present a lot more.”
Attend a Free weekly Meeting and receive your Self Realisation
Each week across London many people experience this actualisation at one of the many free meditation classes on offer. You can join a class in any of the following – Free Meditation Classes in London
Register to receive the Sahaj eNewsletter
Keep up to date with our latest news, events and dates for Special One Day Retreats by registering to receive our eNewsletter- there are 4-6 issues per year. Register to receive the Sahaj eNewsletter
You are welcome to join us anytime in 2016 as we gather to achieve Yoga and enjoy the state of meditation.
What to expect at weekly meetings – 21 Frequently Asked Questions
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