
Achieve Yoga & Learn to Meditate for free in Covent Garden on Tuesdays

Join us for Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation meetings on ….  Achieve Yoga & Learn to Meditate - Covent Garden - Wednesdays 7.30pm

TUESDAY’s:  7.30-9.00pm in the:-

Friend’s Meeting House

8 Hop Gardens, Covent Garden
London, WC2N 4EH
(Just off St Martin’s Lane, next to GYM BOX)

To Enter – Please Press the Bell for – The Fry Room

Contact No: 07973 319 433 – email: coventgarden108@gmail.com

Pop along to the Covent Garden Meet Up Page

In the heart of London, very close to Covent Garden, there is a weekly class in free meditation. In fact there are many Free Meetings across Greater London

There are many reasons why you might decide to stop by; here we suggest a few:

  1. Balance & Relaxation
  2. Enjoyment
  3. Sharing.

Feel the Cool Breeze on the palms of your hands

Relaxation: running up and down through our beautiful city takes out a lot of energy from us and makes feel us a bit stressed; we constantly look for a little oasis out of London to get some rest and re-energize but we do not know that we can find them also in the heart of London, just under our noses where many people are busy running around with their hectic lives. We can just go to any of these meetings, sit there for one hour and half and find the inner silence and peace which if truly refreshing. If we go regularly, then we start experiencing an establishment of this inner silence: it will be a growth, in our freedom, that will liberate us from any stress!

Enjoyment: if we think that to enjoy ourselves we need to do something special, out of the ordinary, so far unknown… well, we are synchronized on the same wave length. Sahaja Yoga meditation is very special in that respect; it is like discovering a Hidden Treasure – the most amazing jewel we could ever have imagined!

It’s simply natural; simple; practicable everywhere; and what’s more – it’s free! You never could have imagined that there is such a thing that is free and helps dissolve  your stress, helps you find peace and joy, be in harmony with the world (inside and outside), get relief from sorrows and depression experience mental silence and relaxation, realise yourself, achieve complete well-being,… practically reaching a state of complete enjoyment.

Sharing: another important point is that you can share this wonderful experience with other people: we weren’t made to be solitary, bashful and sad. We were made to enjoy life! By talking with people, we can express ourselves and find better ways for our lives to become truly enjoyable.

But sharing does not simply mean socializing, in this context it means also sharing the beauty that is inside us with other people.

This energy, called in Sanskrit as Kundalini, is awakened within us when we meditate,and it is capable of re-energizing us for our benefit. But when we are together, all the energies of each individual are added together, giving rise to a collective energy making it even more effective for our betterment. This is very important and useful for a faster positive effect on our growth.

So to sum up, you are invited to join us every Tuesday 7.30pm here in Covent Garden, at 8, Hop Gardens (corner with St Martin’s Lane, next to GYM BOX at the Friend’s Meeting House. And remember to ring the door bell (for the Fry Room) to get in!

You can email for more details on: pscialo@aol.com

You can join a class in any of the following…

Free Meditation & Yoga Classes across Greater London