Deep Meditation – Free 4 week Course
Deep Meditation
‘Deep Meditations’ – that’s what everyone hopes for, yet do you feel you are getting your fair share?
To help explore the whole topic of ‘going deeper’ and ‘advanced meditation’ a new 4 week programme has been arranged in Chelsea, London, starting at 7.15pm on Monday the 24th of March. – for 4 weeks
The aim of this going deeper programme is to provide those attending with the opportunity and knowledge to be able to take that next step in their spiritual evolution towards self mastery. The hope is that through attending this programme, all will feel increased desire to start meditating regularly at home and go deeper in their connection (yoga).
This going deeper programme is for those who already have been to programmes and had their self realisation. (Attend a regular weekly programme – to receive your Self Realisation.)
This advanced programme content will focus heavily on the experience of meditation and thoughtless awareness through the use of:
• in depth, topic specific talks by Shri Mataji,
• a deeper understanding of music as an aid to meditation,
• treatments and how one can clear oneself of blockages,
• more theory and mantras and the occasional guest speaker on topics such as health and meditation.
Time: Monday 19:15 – Monday March 24th (for 4 weeks) –
Location: Remembrance Hall, Flood Street, Chelsea, SW3 5SY
You can register here: Register here
Although the original goal of Yoga and Meditation is spiritual growth, important therapeutic side effects on physical and mental health have attracted medical research across the world. The state of thoughtless awareness experienced in Sahaja Yoga has thus been shown to elicit important beneficial changes in the body and the brain and has therapeutic effects on a wide range of disease processes.
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