Remember those New Year Resolutions you jotted down on paper…..
……………….last year, the year before that, back in 2011 ? Time flies doesn’t it?
Maybe you will find time to pause, take stock, re-group, consider your life path, where you’ve been, where you’re going?
Yet life pushes on like a river gently making its way to the ocean, yet who notices it passing by?
What’s remarkable about the human condition is our potential. We are always faced with the option, remain as you are, or become more.
In the West we have a tendency to ‘think’ or even ‘believe’ that thinking is the highest form of consciousness. (‘I think therefore I am! ‘ – some even say this oft quoted phrase has more recently evolved into: ‘I shop therefore I am!’)
In general in the West we recognise three states of consciousness; Wakefulness (and thinking), Dreaming and Sleeping.
Yet in other cultures research and exploration led to the discovery and realisation of a subtle 4th state of consciousness, beyond sleeping, waking or dreaming, namely a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’.
Remarkably this state is where the mental engine is ‘parked’ momentarily and ‘rested’.
Yet we remain fully aware in a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’, this of course is true meditation!
It is out of this state that the benefits of ‘meditation’ cascade into our life.
Although the original goal of Yoga and Meditation is spiritual growth, important therapeutic side effects on physical and mental health have attracted medical research across the world. The state of thoughtless awareness experienced in Sahaja Yoga has thus been shown to elicit important beneficial changes in the body and the brain and has therapeutic effects on a wide range of disease processes.
So whatever you decide for 2014 and beyond – remember you are always welcome to join us and ……. Learn to meditate?
However, it is a DIY (Do it Yourself) experience. No one can do it for you. You have to have the desire and motivation to actually give yourself a little time and be patient with yourself.
So there it is….. from Thursday, 30-January-2014 to Thursday, 27-February you can join us for at UCL for a
for the course
Location: Spring UCL programme: Room 433, 1-19 Torrington place, London, WC1E 7HB.
The closest tube station is Goodge street (Northern) or Warren street (Victoria). It is open to the public, but please sign in at the front desk of the building then follow the directions.
for the course
Beneficial and instructive for beginners and regulars alike.
Completing the course is highly recommended.
Join as a complete beginner, and learn
– How to meditate, and balance your inner being
– How to apply meditation to your life and work
– How to feel, and decode the condition of your energy centres
– How to give self-realisation to others
30-January-2014 (6:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Week 1: Theme: Overview, Mental silence, Balance, Stress-management, Stress Reduction.
06-February-2014 (6:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Week 2: Theme: Attention, Concentrated yet relaxed, Clarity of mind, Mental efficiency, Productivity.
13-February-2014 (6:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Week 3: Theme: Decision-making, Holistic understanding of a situation (vibratory awareness), Discretion, Effectively making the right choice in work and life.
20- February-2014 (6:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Week 4: Theme: Health & Wellbeing, Resilience, Health (physical, psychological, fulfilling greater potential), achieved by balancing yourself and meditation.
27- February-2014 (6:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Week 5: Theme: Music and meditation, Concert, Experience joy and pure love through music.
Location: Spring UCL programme: Room 433, 1-19 Torrington place, London, WC1E 7HB.
The closest tube station is Goodge street (Northern) or Warren street (Victoria). It is open to the public, but please sign in at the front desk of the building then follow the directions. You can Register Here for the course
We recommend completing the full course. If you are not able to attend every class, you are quite welcome to attend those you can. Another two five-week course with a similar format shall follow after this one (the second one starting on the 6th of March.
You are most welcome to join this course as well.
Each week will include various presentations, and hands-on demonstrations. You will have the opportunity to find out more in the question and answer sessions, or by speaking personally to one of the instructors.
At the meeting, there will be no bending and stretching type physical exercises – participants will be seated comfortably throughout (as such, a yoga mat or any other type of equipment is not required). The classes are conducted in a relaxed setting, and have a friendly atmosphere.
Sahaja Yoga meditation is natural and easy. Each day of the course shall include a structured guided meditation. In this way, you will both experience meditation, and be able to start meditating at home from the first day you start.
You can Register Here for the course
Registration is an advantage, but not compulsory – please feel free to simply turn up on the day. You are welcome to bring others along!
As part of registration, with your permission we would like to use your email address to send you relevant course material throughout the course.
[We will only use your email address (and mobile number, if you enter one) for providing you information & material related to the course. We will not pass on your email address or mobile number to anyone else. You may unsubscribe at anytime, simply by sending us an email with ‘Unsubscribe’ in the email title.]
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