Achieve Yoga & Learn to Meditate for Free in Manchester
Learn to Meditate this Week in Manchester!
The first experience of Sahaja Yoga meditation is called Self Realisation. With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we generally sit on chairs to achieve Yoga, effortlessly & spontaneously. As such no Asanas (exercises) are required, no mat or special clothing.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a state of mental silence or rest, where our attention is aware, but not engrossed in thinking. It is known as ‘thoughtless awareness’. It is achieved when the indwelling Kundalini energy awakens and carries the individual attention beyond the level of the 6th chakra, into the seventh chakra, known as Sahasrara. It is here we achieve Yoga! As the mind finds rest and silence, we become able to feel our inner Self (Spirit). This can be tangibly felt, it actually manifests, as a cool wind, breath or breeeze, often experienced on the palms of the hands or at the top (crown) of the head. It is a spontaneous, effortless natural happening.
Attend a Free weekly Meeting
We run free meetings at different times throughout the year – please visit our meet up page below:
Pop along to the Manchester Free Meditation & Yoga Meet Up Page
What to expect at weekly meetings – 21 Frequently Asked Questions
Queens Christmas Day 2013 Speech mentions Meditation – A Time to Reflect
Want to experience it now – Experience Self Realisation now – Guided Meditation
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Mother nature meditation road map. Mother nature has placed inside us a complex energetic system that we can simplify as three main energetic channels and seven main energetic centres, known as Chakras, as you can see in the image. Each chakra governs different qualities. Hence the state of these centres determines the quality of our life: if they are awakened and in balance, then we live in harmony and serenity. So necessarily, finding that balance becomes a target for those who want to experience a life of self knowledge and inner balance.
How to get into balance?
The secret of the Sahaja Yoga method resides within us, at the base of the spinal chord, in a triangular bone called the “sacrum bone”. Since our birth in our sacrum bone dwells an inner energy called in Sanskrit Kundalini; it is characterised as a feminine energy and once activated, this energy rises along our spine until it reaches the top of the head and finally connects with the universal energy. This union is called “yoga” in Sanskrit.
As our indwelling Kundalini rises through the central channel, this benevolent feminine energy activates the chakras, removing all the impurities from them and nourishing the entire inner system. It is through this happening that we are elevated into ‘thoughtless awareness’, the mental silence of true meditation.
If you are ever in London you can always drop into one of the many free weekly meetings at local centres in London or there is even an online course you can try experience it online if you cannot make it to the centre.
Simply watch this video Guided Self Realisation Exercise – online and you will see how easy it is to feel a gentle soothing cool energy above your head – which is your own!
Bob Eager :: August 8, 2013 at 9:19 pm ::
Ellen Hare :: September 8, 2013 at 7:07 pm ::