Free Meditation Course – Learn to Meditate – starts April 3rd 2014
How’s your 2014 going? – Have you jump-started your year with those New Year Resolutions?
If not, here’s one which might have been on your list – Free 4-week – Learn to Meditate Course for Beginners. Yes, whilst it is definitely a DIY – Do It Yourself experience – if you prioritise it, in just 4 short weeks you could be well on your way to mastering the art of meditation and yoga – so what are you waiting for? 2015, 2016 ? As they say, ‘if not now, when?’
Some of the topics covered in this instructive and practical course include: mental silence through meditation, healing and revitalising the physical and subtle body, getting in touch with the inner creative spirit, healing through water therapy, detoxification using natural energies and the elements, Kundalini awakening, achieving the yin-yang balance, restorative transformation, evolving in a holistic manner.
Meditation at break time
In an effortless manner, anyone of any age and of any state of health and fitness can effortlessly achieve a profound transformation and revitalisation through the power of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Natural and easy, the Sahaja Yoga method of meditation and associated techniques and methodologies have been thoroughly researched and studied for the last thirty years, and are regularly practiced in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Come and participate, and benefit for free. Everybody is welcome! Classes are always free – Sahaja Yoga is a registered charity in the UK. In a few brief weeks you could master these techniques, and discover your real self, and full potential.
Beneficial and instructive for beginners and regulars alike. Completing the course is highly recommended. If you are not able to attend every class, you are quite welcome to attend those you can.
Join as a complete beginner, and learn
– How to meditate, and balance your inner being
– About chakras, and techniques to cleanse them
– How to feel, and decode the condition of your energy centres
– How to give self-realisation to others
Awaken and Master your inner subtle system
03-April-2014 (7:30 pm – 9:30 pm)
Week 1: The Basics of Meditation; the Kundalini Energy, the Mooladhara Chakra, and the Left sympathetic Channel. How to raise the Kundalini energy, and meditate at home.
10-April-2014 (7:30 pm – 9:00 pm)
Week 2: The Right Sympathetic channel, Swadhistan & Nabhi Chakra. Cleansing techniques.
17-April-2014 (7:30 pm – 9:00 pm)
Week 3: The Parasympathetic channel, ‘the Void’, & Heart Chakra. Cleansing techniques.
24-April-2014 (7:30 pm – 9:30 pm)
Week 4: The Vishuddhi, Agnya and Sahastrar Chakras. Cleansing techniques.
Each day of the course shall include a brief introduction to the basics, and a structured guided meditation. In this way, you will both experience meditation, and be able to start meditating at home from the first day you start.
Each class will include various presentations, and hands-on demonstrations. You will have the opportunity to find out more in the question and answer sessions, or by speaking personally to one of the instructors. After each class, attendees who register will be sent detailed course material by email.
At the meeting, there will be no bending and stretching type physical exercises – participants will be seated comfortably throughout (as such, a yoga mat or any other type of equipment is not required). The classes are conducted in a relaxed setting, and have a friendly atmosphere.
You can register for the course on our website, at the link below:
Registration is an advantage, but not compulsory – please feel free to simply turn up on the day. You are welcome to bring others along!
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