Next Course – to be announced –
We’d like to welcome you to a Sahaja Yoga Meditation – 7 week course hosted by Stuart, Rob, Beth & team.
Day & Time: Fridays @ 18.15pm – 19:45pm (Starts October 7th 2022)
Venue: Dulwich Library Hall, 368 Lordship Lane, Dulwich, SE22 8NB,
Contact details: Stuart Weatherby – 07415 212 384 – Email: weatherby1@sky.com
Achieve Yoga & enter into a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’.
With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we generally sit on chairs to achieve Yoga, effortlessly and spontaneously. As such no Asanas (exercises) are required, no mat or special clothing.
We are all volunteers of a Charity organisation and have many years of experience in offering free Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes.
The classes are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous. The free classes feature introductory talks, video’s, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK. The idea is that you don’t do yoga – you Achieve Yoga!
For other classes across LONDON you can check on: https://www.sahajayogalondon.co.uk/map/
The main objective of the course is to experience the state of meditation, the state of peace and joy.
We will explain the different aspects of our subtle system, the chakras, the nadis, the energy kundalini and many other subjects, such as the different techniques of meditation and clearing the chakras.
Each session will consist of two meditations, one short video, and a short talk about the chosen subject.
This powerful meditation will be experienced in your central nervous system, something which is real and not just a belief. You will be able to feel the state of your chakras and nadis and the ascent of the energy Kundalini in a very gentle and subtle way.
It is real, it is powerful, it is spontaneous and it is gentle.
Experience the peace of mind as never before, and let your own spiritual energy balance your life.
Please feel free to join the course at any time, even if it has already started.
This is a group for anyone interested in meditation and yoga. All skills levels are welcome. Its just free and very easy to practice. Without paying anything you can experience a deep state of peace and joy. Looking forward to exploring the beauty inside ourselves with everybody.
Meditation is often defined as just taking a moment of silence to sit quietly, or to ponder. True meditation, however, is more than this. It is that state of deep peace known as ‘thoughtless awareness’, when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert. This is just the beginning of a transformation that takes us to a higher level of awareness and enables us to fulfill our true human potential. The problem, of course, is how to get into that state.
Occasionally we hold special 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, sometimes referred to as ‘mental silence’.
To learn about these retreats and other Sahaj events you are invited to subscribe to the SahajeNewsletter, which is circulated a few times each year. Register below: Sahaj eNewsletter
There are Free weekly meetings across London in Anerley, Balham, Camden, Chelsea, Covent Garden, Ealing, Fulham, Greenwich, Hackney, Hampstead, Harrow, Leytonstone, Streatham, Swiss Cottage, Twickenham, ULC University, Walthamstow. All welcome
You can join a class in any of the following Free Weekly Meetings in London
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